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Trauma Healing Institute Facilitator (14 Hours Certificate)

2024 Calendar Year


EST Virtual Link will be sent 2 days prior

The Trauma Healing Institute Program is a proven model that uses both Scripture and mental health principles to address spiritual and emotional wounds caused by trauma.

Trauma Healing Institute Facilitator (14 Hours Certificate)
Trauma Healing Institute Facilitator (14 Hours Certificate)

Time & Location

2024 Calendar Year

EST Virtual Link will be sent 2 days prior


About the event

The Trauma Healing Institute Program is a proven model that uses both Scripture and mental health principles to address spiritual and emotional wounds caused by trauma. The book Healing the Wounds of Trauma: How the Church Can Help has been translated and taught in 112 countries with more than 142 language groups in Africa, Asia, the Pacific and the Americas.

Requirements to be considered for this Trauma Healing Institute Initial Equipping

Step 1: Attend a 6-Week Healing Group-(12 hours)


  1. Explore own heart wounds
  2. Learn to help others through listening well

Step 2: Initial Equipping Logistic ($99)-(8 hours)


  1. Learn more about what trauma is and why we should do it in community
  2. Learn participatory methods
  3. Practice Facilitation
  4. Overview of material and assessment

Outcome: Participant may be certified as Apprentice Facilitator and authorized to do a practicum

Step 3: Practicum- Lead or Co-Lead 2 healing group-(24 hours)


  1. Gain experience using the material and participatory methods
  2. Help healing group participants find healing

Outcome: Participant is eligible to attend Advanced Equipping

Step 4: Advanced Equipping ($99)-(17 hours)


  1. Discuss successes and challenges of the practicum
  2. Strengthen facilitation skills
  3. Learn to care better for self and others
  4. Plan from trauma healing ministry phase

Outcome: Participant may be certified as Healing Group Facilitator and maybe be considered for the Trauma Healing Training Facilitator track

Step 5: Ministry Phase Coaching/Mentoring-(on going)


  1. Continue education about trauma
  2. Help each other and serve each other well
  3. Be involved in Community of Practice

Outcome: Find how you can best serve in current ministry or create new ministries

Optional-Step 6: Training Facilitator or Master Facilitator. Stay active within the Institute

For more information on step 6, please contact Dr. Montgomery!

You will be responsible for purchasing your own material from Trauma Healing Institute. Allow 2 to 3 weeks for shipping.


  • THI Facilitator Training

    The Trauma Healing Institute Program is a proven model that uses both Scripture and mental health principles to address spiritual and emotional wounds caused by trauma.

    +$5.00 service fee
    Sale ended
  • July Training Event

    The Trauma Healing Institute Program is a proven model that uses both Scripture and mental health principles to address spiritual and emotional wounds caused by trauma.

    +$5.00 service fee
    Sale ended
  • August Training Event

    The Trauma Healing Institute Program is a proven model that uses both Scripture and mental health principles to address spiritual and emotional wounds caused by trauma.

    +$5.00 service fee
    Sale ended



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